High Security
High security fencing is a vital part of keeping our communities, cities and country safe from evil doers. Having a high quality, high security fence is important when you want to keep someone or something in a certain area (like a prison fence), or when you want to keep someone or something out, like many chain link fences you have probably seen around construction sites. Security fencing can come in many forms: chain-link fence, security mesh, ornamental iron, solid steel, expanded metal, nonconductive fence, welded wire and even full concrete. Many additions can be used to enhance the security of the fence: cameras, razor ribbon and intrusion detection systems.
Most commonly chain link security mesh in 3/8” or 5/8” mesh offers the most security and still allows for local police and fire, border patrol agents and prison guards to still see through the fence.
For High security applications and materials please contact your local Eagle Fence Distributing branch with your material list and specifications for quotation.